3 Things Unbreakable Educators Do

This is the time of year when everyone is counting down to the end of the school year or schools have already dismissed for the summer. Yesterday, my family and I had all the kids together for a day at the pool with barbeque, chips, drinks, and treats to celebrate the beginning of summer and spend time together.

At this point a few years ago, I would be stuck in bed recovering from the school year, but not this summer! I decided a few years ago that I would make a change for myself, health, and family. It made no sense for me to give my all to students, schools, and families with nothing left to give to my own family.

I made a choice to put myself first and set goals for success. Here are 3 easy things you can do to get a jump start on your goals for this next school year.

#1- Set a Goal

As a busy wife, mom, and educator, goal setting helps me to stay focused on my needs and desires. For instance, a goal I’ve set is to be active 3-5 times a week. This goal gives me time to myself and helps me stay healthy physically. I prepare for meeting this goal by choosing the days and times I want to exercise.

#2- Plan & Prepare

Thinking about the goal I’ve set, I then create a plan for achieving this goal and prepare to meet them. For instance, I want to be active 3-5 times a week, so I prepare by first choosing the days and times I want to exercise.

5-6am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 

7-8am on Saturday

The night before each day, (my alarm is already set on my phone and Alexa device) I set out my workout clothes, socks, sneakers, and full water bottle with a fanny pack and keys. This process sets me up for success and I feel confident about accomplishing tasks and projects on time. If you want to start knocking out goals you’ve set, create a plan and prepare for how you will achieve them.

#3- Execute

Now that I’ve planned and prepared, when I wake up the next day, I slip everything on and walk out the door. #workoutdone #success

After a few weeks, I see and feel the results I want boosting my confidence and ability to keep crushing my goals.

Leave a comment! I want to know what are you planning for this new school year? I can’t wait to hear from you and support you.

Cheers to setting and crushing goals this year!